Metatron’s Cube is the name for a geometric figure composed of 13 equal circles with lines from the center of each circle extending out to the centers of the other 12 circles. It is known as the book of knowledge, the fruit of the tree of life, containing every shape that exists within the universe… the building blocks of all physical matter, known as the Platonic solids, representing the patterns that make up everything in the universe.
Wear these to bring blessings of protection, connection, wisdom, and understanding.
Laser cut from birch hardwood with your choice of:
- Earring hook material: surgical steel, copper, sterling silver, or 18K gold-fill.
- Length: 1.75 inches
- Width: 1.5 inches
Laser cut Dimensions:
- Diameter: 1.5 inch
- Thickness: 1/8 inch
Handmade in Santa Cruz, CA
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